Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday Night Leftovers - Must find space

  • We started the week off with two snow days.  
  • This allowed Addy two days to celebrate Valentine's Day - the original date at home and then her party at school.  The day after the party she asked, "Can I get more sweets tomorrow?"
  • She took her school pictures this week as well, and I'm interested to see how they turned out.  
  • This current course is making me want to cry and wave the white flag.  Doesn't help that my group SUCKS (as in zero help or input = my OCD self completing well over my share of work).
  • Paws has been hiding in his kennel or won't come out right away when his door opened.  
  • This week ended with sweatshirt weather and another day off of school for Addy.  
  • Three long week days of all three kiddos home and I need some space, but more importantly time to be alone and do absolutely nothing.  Simply worn out.  
  •  Today, I took all three kiddos (hubby was working) to an indoor pool/toddler play area.  Super cheap and loads of fun.  I simply needed to get out of the house and so did they.  
  • I will be purchasing new work out shoes, so if anyone has some recs I would greatly appreciate it.  I need a cross training type shoe, as I do crossfit work outs, some running, and even Zumba.  I also need a sturdy base to the shoe, because of my feet problems.  That's all.  
As always, stop by our lovely host, Danifred, and leave some love, good health, and sleep.  


  1. My husband just bought Vibrams and is reading Born to Run. It's all about barefoot running/training and theorizes that all feet/joint problems come from running shoes which make us off balance and cause stress on wrong parts of our bodies. I'm interested but not convinced or converted...yet!

  2. I'm a Nike fan, myself.

    Love indoor play areas...they rock.

  3. I hate group work, especially when the group sucks. Yet, for some reason, I always assign it to my own students. Hmmmmm.


Don't just read, say something! Sorry, I had to add the word verification - I am being spammed.