Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Hi, and welcome! Don't you like that my blog title is now in my url? I do.

Like I said, I have loads of things to figure out here, and unfortunately the flu bug that has been in the house still won't leave. Guess what? It may be another week, thanks doc, I was hoping for some better news.


  1. I like it!

    Feel better soon, too.

  2. Ohhhh... I love it! I will promptly be changing my feed to the new site!

  3. Looking good! :)

    Hope the blasted flu bug leaves your house soon!

  4. Hey! Glad to see you're getting settled in here. If you want your background color to match your banner, the hex code for it is 7BCDEB. I hope that doesn't count as judging.


Don't just read, say something! Sorry, I had to add the word verification - I am being spammed.