Sunday, November 6, 2011

Eligh's Wish List

The lists to Santa are beginning and the halt on anything extra has begun.  No more toys or "stuff" until Christmas.  Here is Eligh's must haves on his list:

He has also requested a Nerf gun and some Transformers underwear, yes, underwear.  And anything that is Cars, Transformers, and Thomas will do as well.  This is the list for Santa, grandma's list includes grandpa building a barn for his horses (which he just started this weekend) and some fuzzy Crocs. 

He doesn't want much when you look at quantity, but the price of the toys are pushing our budget, especially when you include stocking stuffers. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm having trouble getting ours to narrow down their lists. They mistakenly think Santa will just bring them anything they ask for.


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