Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday Night Leftovers - bye bye suitcase living

  • Eligh asks to do everything.  "Mommy, can I drink my cup?"  "Mommy, can I sit in my racecar chair?"  "Mommy, can I get my blanket?"  He is full of manners, but needs to to learn that he doesn't have to ask me to do every little thing. 
  • Kinsley was trying to say a word (and now I can't think of what it was) but it sounded like "fuckin."  She kept saying it repeatedly, and I was arguing with her that it wasn't "fucking," but "xyz." 
  • Addyson has wanted two braids in her hair every day, and would actually like "a lot more, like Rapunzel." 
  • Eligh is becoming more of a "boy" these days.  He yells, screams, growls, pushes, and hits back.  He used to just roll over and cry until I intervened, but not any more.  He is definitely much more aggressive than he has ever been. 
  • The husband is on his way to our "home" to finally stop living in suitcases at weeks at a time.  To say I'm ready for him, would be a HUGE understatement.  This mommy is checking out and going to spend some days doing what she wants. 
  • Addy completely embarrassed me this week.  I attempted to put her on the wait list for dance class on post.  All three kids were with me, and they were playing and fighting over the toys in the waiting area, while I waited around for about an hour to get a packet that I would need to fill out and return at a later date.  When I told the kids it was time to leave, Addyson had a big ole meltdown, yelling, "I miss my daddy!!!  I want my daddy!!  I want my daddy to come home!!"  With a handful of soldiers in the waiting area, it didn't help the situation at all. 
  • I have not checked the mail but once this week.  In order to get my mail I have to drive up to our mailbox that is at the end of our road.  If it wasn't freezing and a HUGE steep hill, I would take the kids.  But, getting them up the driveway hill is hard enough, as they tend to stumble. 
As always check out the fabulous host, Danifred, to see what others are bringing to the table.


  1. Yes, you need some time off for good behavior when Daddy gets back.

    Why the hell did you have to wait so long for a packet? At least she didn't say, "is one of them my Daddy?" That would have been REALLY embarrassing!

    BTW...the Vick's worked...I stand by my statement that you are a genius.

  2. You definitely need some you time now that Cody is home. And, so happy he's home!
    Now, it's time to move to Virginia so our girls can dance together :)

  3. Looks like everyone will be happy when Daddy is home. I hope you get a lot of you time, and are able to relax.

    I hate walking to the end of our driveway to get the mail. If the mailbox was that far away, I'd be lucky to get the mail once a week!


Don't just read, say something! Sorry, I had to add the word verification - I am being spammed.