Thursday, April 14, 2011


As the monkeys get older, their appetites have grown, as well.  Here is what they ate yesterday:

  • 3 bowls of cereal; one for each
  • Apples for Addyson
Midmorning:  (the whining begins "I'm hunnnngry!!!")
  •   Nutrigrain bars x3
  • A bowl of cereal for Kinsley
  • Addyson = half of a grilled cheese sandwich, chips,  and one apple
  • Eligh = chicken, chips, strawberries
  • Kinsley = chicken, chips, strawberries
  • Addyson = 2 servings of sausage, 2 servings of potatoes, one serving of beans, and 2 oreos
  • Kinsley = 3 servings of sausage, 2 servings of potatoes, and 3 servings of beans and 2 oreos
  • Eligh = 1 serving of sausage, 1 serving of potatoes, and 2 servings of beans and 2 oreos 

All of that up and you have one long grocery list, an even larger bill, and one empty wallet.    


  1. You've got some growing kiddos! I may have to keep this in mind when considering having more! Especially with the cost of everything going up. Good grief!

  2. My kiddo is a little hog as well! Sounds like Addy really likes apples. :) So does mine!


Don't just read, say something! Sorry, I had to add the word verification - I am being spammed.