Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Addy is home and her big, squeezy, never letting go hugs as soon as she exited the car with the best comfort I could have possibly imagined.

How could this little girl have grown so much in just seven days?!  I informed my mom that seven days is way too long and it will not happen again, maybe in three years when I have my 10 year anniversary, but not any sooner.

Just put her to bed, where she squeezed me tightly and said, "Mommy, I'm so happy to be home with you."  


  1. Awww, glad Addy is home and that she gave you some extra mama-lovin' tonight. :)

    YAY you---treadmill in garage while kids play = awesome idea.

    COOL that your sis is coming to visit. Mine arrives here next week, and I can't wait! :)

  2. My heart melts just reading that. I can't imagine how much you missed each other.

  3. You're cute...I'm glad she's back. Your heart can now be complete.


Don't just read, say something! Sorry, I had to add the word verification - I am being spammed.