Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Truthful Tuesday - Struggling personally and professionally

This post needs more than a couple post-its, but that's all I feel like digging at for the moment.


  1. I totally know where you are...I have 2 little ones at home and have found a distance learning position at a state university- so that I can work from home. I am still torn though. I send my oldest to daycare 3 mornings a week and have my youngest home all the time. I find that it is hard to find time to work, be joyful with the kids and keep the house up. It is a huge struggle to know what I want to do. I pray your decision comes without guilt.

  2. i have commented to everyone of your post and they wont go thru, ergh so here i go..
    why dont you consider tutoring or doing a 4 hr a day daycare education homeschool based type thing, there are tons of homeschoolers in our area and there is rise in homeschool shifting where certian subjects are taught in classes of 2 to 6 children in areas in which the parent feels unable to throughly educate, this may allow you to not have the small children but the tween your used to, just an idea, also what about places like sullivan, they are usually evening and short hours. of course if you are insane you could consider daycare..but then who will watch your children while your in the padded room!

  3. It's so hard to find a balance. I feel so blessed to have worked part time almost the entire time my girls have been little. Of course, I don't know how much longer than will last, but I'm grateful for the time I've had. I hope you find a similar balance.

  4. I so understand on all of this. I feel like I "should" be working full time but I also feel like I "should" be home with my kids full time. I drive myself totally crazy with all of the back and forth about things and pretty much try to do it all and then fail at everything.

    If you figure out the magic solution to make these thoughts go away, let me know!

  5. Oof...the sobbing would have me in tears too. This is so hard, but you will find an answer and the kids will be okay.

  6. Oof...the sobbing would have brought ME to tears! You'll find something, but patience is going to the key...that isn't easy to come by either.

    Your kids will be okay if you go back to work...they're like little bouncy balls.

  7. Oh, really? So that error message for my first comment was just a joke??? Haha...it's like blogging101 for me today!

  8. (((hugs))) You made the right choice. Our right jobs are out there waiting on us somewhere, and they'll come to us when the time is right.


Don't just read, say something! Sorry, I had to add the word verification - I am being spammed.