Sunday, August 21, 2011

Chore lists

My three have been trying to continue doing good deeds/chores to earn money for their piggy banks and after messing around on some sites I found a make at home chore list.  I am thinking of making one for each of the kiddos to help them earn some definite coins while still learning and instilling some chores. 

I need you all to help me come up with some ideas for all three.  Here are my ideas so far:

  • Brush teeth (with parent assistance)
  • Clean up toys
  • Stay seated at meal time 
  • Put dirty clothes away
  • Brush teeth (with parent assistance)
  • Clean up toys
  • Stay seated at meal time
  • Put dirty clothes away
  • Pull pants up after using the potty 
  •   Brush teeth
  • Get dressed
  • Clean up toys
  • Clean up plate after meal time
  •  Put away dirty clothes
  • Share with Kinsley and Eligh
  • Get a green card at school
I need HELP!  How many chores are too many?  Which ones should stay and which ones should go?



  1. I hate to admit it, but my girls don't do chores. Lauren said that she wanted to do chores because her friends at school have chores, but I am against paying her for them. She didn't ask for money for doing them though. My friend pays her boys for chores, and now they don't want to do anything that she asks them to do unless she offers them money. Her boys are eight and five. I am thinking of making a chore list, but haven't done it yet. I am just so OCD that I don't really want to let go of anything that involves cleaning the house. Lauren is probably perfectly capable of putting laundry away, vacuuming, cleaning the table, etc., but I would just go behind her and do it again, and I don't want her to get the idea that she isn't "good enough" or "doing it right". I like your lists though. I do make my girls brush their teeth, clean up their rooms, and put their dishes on the counter and wash their own faces and hands after meal time and snacks. They also have to throw their trash away and do other small things like that. Good luck with your list!

  2. I'm so glad that you're still helping them brush their teeth...I thought I was the only one.

    What about "use manners?" It's kind of hard to track though.

    I don't think I'll start an allowance type system until they're in kindergarten...I'm too damn lazy (and broke)!

  3. Great idea. I think I saw you pin this on Pinterest!!


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