Monday, December 13, 2010

Family in Addy's eyes

All three of the monkeys were standing on a toy box looking out the window for the blow up tractor and Santa and were baffled to see that Santa was not blown up. We had to explain several times that it was too windy today for Santa, because he would simply blow away. Then, it turned into, Where is the reindeer? - which simply meant; where is the deer - like a real live deer running through the yard. (Yes, we do see deer from time to time.) I told the monkeys that the reindeer had to go home because it was too cold. Addyson went a step further and hinted the following: "Mommy, the reindeer went home to her mommy, daddy, her brother, and sister." Didn't you know that every single family is the same?


  1. Seriously adorable!

    I tell them that they're sleeping...when they turn on, the Crazies run around saying "Santa wake! Rudolph wake!"

  2. My girls have the same perspective on family as Addy ... They keep begging for a baby brother!

  3. Loving Addy's super cute perspective on things!

  4. Of course that's how it goes! Our little princesses think their world is THE world!


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