Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday Night Leftovers - the week of the cold

  • I have had a cold for over a week now.  A dry, barking cough, along with a dry, itchy throat.  All.week.long.
  • I do not know if Addy is getting sick, has allergies, or had a migraine.  She started with a headache on Wednesday night - skipped dinner and stayed in her bed for an hour.  Yesterday she had a low grade fever around lunch time which went away with some Tylenol.  Last night she complained that her head hurt when she coughed.  Today, no headache.  
  • Coming back from visiting family requires a day to unpack, do laundry, organize toys, etc. 
  • If the first thing you hear when you open a child's bedroom door is, "I'm sorry, mommy" just close the door and go back to bed.  Do it.  
  • Eligh has not wet his diaper at night all week long, until this morning when daddy forgot to put him in one.  Seriously?!
  • 5 loads of laundry later I have his bedding washed.  Yeah, he got EVERYTHING wet.  
  • Daddy told Kinsley that I was signing her up for dance when she woke up from nap and found that I was not here and she hasn't stopped twirling, skipping, and asking when she gets to go.  
  • I'm a tad worried that she will not be happy that she has to wear a pink leotard while Addy gets to wear all kinds of cute little ballerina outfits.  It's practice, people, let them have some fun.  
  • It may or may not rain tomorrow and we have plans to go to an air show to celebrate the twins' birthday.  
  • I really want this for the play room.  
  • Don't forget to leave me a question for Eligh and Kinsley and I promise they will provide their wise knowledge upon you very, very soon.  
Stop by Danifred and leave her some extra, cuddly love it has been a hard, hard week for her and her family.  


  1. I love all things Pottery Barn. They have the best kids' stuff. Too bad we don't own any of it.

    I have another question:
    If you could make dinner for your family, what would you like to make?

  2. That PB thing is awesome.

    Love the "I'm sorry, Mommy" thing...ugh.

    Our dance class doesn't let them wear "skirts" either.

    What is your favorite toy? And could I see a picture of you playing with it?


Don't just read, say something! Sorry, I had to add the word verification - I am being spammed.