These two girls are so dang emotional! It used to just be Addyson but in the last month or so Kinsley has started in as well.
Some samplings:
Mommy: "Addyson, would you like to go stay at Grandma's this summer for a couple days by yourself."
Addyson: "No, never again!"
Mommy: "But, you LOVE Grandma's house."
Addyson: "But, I want you there too. I cried when I was there last time. I can't talk about it, because it is making me cry now just thinking about it."
Kinsley: "Are you happy at me?"
Addyson: No response
Kinsley: "Why is everyone mad at me??!!!" Followed by tears and hysterics.
I am simply doomed.
Sisters. We have a long, long road ahead of us. Sheesh.