Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday Night Leftovers - mom, mom, mom, mom edition

  • Every day my three have asked if they could go trick-or-treating again.  Yes, in 360+ days.  They don't get it. 
  • Addy fell nearly 10 feet from a playground this week and I have many nightmares from it thinking of all that could have gone wrong.
  • Kinsley is on an allergy/asthma pill daily for the next month and then we review (again).  
  • Twins are also taking some anticongestion meds. 
  • If anyone has some good health they want to send us I would be greatly appreciative of such generosity.  
  • This week a certain little boy will not stop shouting "Mom/Mommy" over and over again until he finds me and I answer and address him.  I wanted to shout "Shut the beep up."  "That's not my name." 
  • Kinsley has been eating and wanting to eat non-stop this week.
  • I need to physically write down the kids' Xmas lists as all the ideas are in my head and I'm going to forget them.  Shopping for three little ones is not an easy task, and remembering all their wants is even harder.  
  • We have visitors the past two weekends in row (which was fun), but I'm excited for it to be just us this weekend.  
Make sure to stop by our host, Danifred, and leave a comment.  


  1. I would have freaked with that fall.

    Bean asks daily to go trick or treating. She's not getting it.

  2. Good for you with a calm weekend...sending you health too.

    I love watching them go through growth spurts.

    We're going to sit down sometime this weekend and do a Christmas list's the best way I can think of to get some things down on paper.


Don't just read, say something! Sorry, I had to add the word verification - I am being spammed.